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Hand-Made Chocolates Cumbria

Traditional, Hand-Made Chocolates in Cumbria!

We’re very fortunate to have Saunders, a family-run, traditional chocolatier company right on our doorstep. Their Hand-Made Chocolates are truly delicious and never fail to delight our guests.

A family business that has grown over the past 14 years

The business was started in 2003 by Bob & Jane Cullen who produce their luxury chocolates in The Old Stable Block at Crofton Hall near the village of Thursby. Over the years their reputation has grown and their chocolates can be seen at weddings, in the form of wedding favours, luxury hotels and at corporate events. There are a lot of chocolate companies around, but we like Saunders because the chocolates really are individually handmade, and while it might sound a bit corny, with love and pride. So come along and make sure you get to try the best locally sourced Hand-Made Chocolates in Cumbria!

Every chocolate is still made by hand

Their manufacturing suite may look state of the art and high tech, but Bob and Jane still temper, pipe, marble, hand-roll and decorate each chocolate by hand. The current range has 36 different flavours of chocolates and truffles. Trust us when we say they are out of this world. To find out more about Saunders, check out their website and enjoy. There’s still time to order something delectable for Easter. 15 fascinating buy tamoxifen nolvadex facts about chocolate in the run up to Easter
  1. The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation.
  2. White Chocolate isn’t technically Chocolate, as it contains no cocoa solids or cocoa liquor.
  3. It takes approximately 400 cacao beans to make 450 grams of chocolate.
  4. The World’s Largest Chocolate Bar Weighed 5,792 kg.
  5. Eating dark chocolate every day reduces the risk of heart disease by one-third (link to source of this info )
  6. Chocolate can sicken and even kill dogs.
  7. Chocolate has an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protects against tooth decay. (
  8. In 2013, Belgium issued a limited edition of chocolate flavoured stamps.
  9. A lethal dose of chocolate for a human being is about 10 kilos.
  10. The average chocolate bar contains 8 insect parts.
  11. Cats can get sick or die from eating chocolate.
  12. Nutella was invented during WW2, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his cocoa supply.
  13. Chocolate is the only edible substance to melt around 33° C, just below human body temperature. That’s why chocolate melts in your mouth.
  14. When it Comes to Coughs, Chocolate Is More Effective than Codeine ( )
  15. Scientists have found that hot chocolate tastes better in orange cups.
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