How to use the Wifi at the Tranquil Otter

Connecting to the Wifi

Wifi access is available in each lodge. To connect to the internet on your device, please sign into the network called Tranquil Otter Guest by using a form or your social media account.  To log in via the form you will need an email address and will need to create a password. Children are not permitted access to the network. You can use your email and password on multiple gadgets. High-Speed-Internet-at-the-Tranquil-Otter How to use the Wifi at the Tranquil Otter

Smart TV

The TV in your lodge is already connected to the internet.  All our TVs are Samsung and have the usual apps available via the SMART function.  If you plan to use a service such as Prime Video or Netflix, you will need to access your own account. Please do log out of your account at the end of your stay.

Connecting your device to the internet

There are two ways to connect to the Wifi at the Tranquil Otter.

Connecting via a sign-up page

Devices such as smart phones and tablets can connect to the internet via a form.  Select connect to the internet and complete the form to gain access to the Wifi. An xbox can connect via a sign-up page, however a Play Station cannot.

Connecting without a sign-up page

If you have brought a game console or device that does not have signup page. Our wifi provider, Wireless Social, will need to whitelist your device before it can connect to the internet.  The connection request is usually only done during office hours.  Please email Wireless Social the Media Access Control (MAC) address for your device and let them know your arrival date. Examples of devices for which we’ve recently sent requests include, but are not limited to:
  • Amazon Echo
  • Google Chromecast
  • Apple TV
  • Playstation.

Trouble shooting

We’ve listed the most common problems experienced by our guests since we have moved to the new wifi network at the Tranquil Otter.

No internet connection

If you can connect to the internet on your gadget and the TV does not connect to the internet, select the Smart element of the TV, find the browser icon and and select.  The sign up screen for the Tranquil Otter Guest wifi should then display on the screen informing you that you are connected you to the internet.  Select done. If the internet is not working in your lodge, please turn the router on and off at the mains socket, we have marked the plug that connects the router to the mains.  Please do not handle the router as this may damage the router.  A functioning router should display three lights. If you have tried the above and still cannot connect, please let us know asap by email. We have a support contract for our connection and need to alert our contractor as soon as we can.

No connection to Netflix

The Netflix app on Samsung appears to be the least stable app.
  1. Turn TV off and then on after 30 seconds.  If this does not allow you to connect to the app, please send us an email.
  2. If you are comfortable with technology, the next step is to uninstall the app from the TV and reinstall it.