Things to do: Wildlife

Things to do: Wildlife

Get close to the swans

Each lodge has its own flat-bottomed boat. On a clear day, you have to get your camera out and get up close. The swans are very confident and it is possible to get close up. The wild ducks tend to be a little more wary and up in the air before you’ve had time to get the door open.

Out-on-the-boat-with-the-swans Things to do: Wildlife

Things to Watch – Amazing wildlife from your Lodge

All the lodges at the Tranquil Otter have a private deck that overlooks a private lake (known as The Lough). We are known as a Site of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to the extraordinary variety of species that can be found here throughout the year. The British Trust for Ornithology count and record the wildfowl numbers at the Lough once a month and report these as Wetlands Bird Survey Count for the UK.  The numbers for the Tranquil Otter are included as part of the Solway Estuary.

Wetland Birds Survey Count

Our neighbour counts the numbers for the WeBs and provides us with information on the woodland and waterbirds. You can see his latest reports on our blog page at:


Explore the wildlife on the Solway Coast

While we have abundant wildlife activity right here on the Lough, many of our guests like to enjoy the extraordinary variety of wildlife along the Solway Coast.

The area is well known for its stunning variety of bird and wildfowl life. The sand dunes, saltmarsh, shingle beds and peat mosses make it a favourite area for oystercatchers, curlews, plovers, lapwings, dunlins, godwits, redshanks and turnstones.

You can get more information about the wildlife on the Solway Coast at:

Gadwall-at-the-Tranquil-Otter Things to do: Wildlife

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Wild_life_The_tranquil_otter Things to do: Wildlife